Beware Of The Risks: Crypto In SMSFs And MicroStrategy's Misstep

In the world of investments, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin often promise big returns, but recent events serve as a stark reminder of the dangers they pose, especially within Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs).

Crypto's Pitfalls

Cryptocurrencies may seem attractive, but their volatile nature can spell disaster for SMSF trustees.

Extreme price swings mean retirement savings are at risk.

Stock portfolio screen infected by a disease.

MicroStrategy's Error

MicroStrategy's move to invest heavily in Bitcoin backfired, leading to significant losses for short sellers, $1.92 billion since March to be exact.

This highlights the dangers of blindly following trends without proper research.

Bitcoin Halving: A Gamble

Bitcoin halving events are often hyped as opportunities for profit, but the reality is uncertain.

Past results don't guarantee future gains, making it a risky bet.

Proceeding with Caution

SMSF trustees and investors alike must be cautious with crypto investments. Diversification and scepticism are key to protecting retirement savings from the unpredictable crypto market.


For those looking for an investment they can trust, consider SMSF property investment in brand new house and land builds.

Get in touch with our team to learn more! 


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