S.A.F.E Property

S-Secure A-Asset F-Fractional E-Equity
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S.A.F.E Property: Your Path to Affordable Property Investment

Are you ready to secure an investment property that offers passive income? Introducing S.A.F.E Property. The authority in property investment! S.A.F.E Property redefines the investment game and levels the playing field by allowing you to invest alongside like-minded individuals, opening the door to property investment, without the need to buy a whole property.
Ownership stakes distributed across all S.A.F.E properties.
like-minded investors in a secure property venture.
Unlock the potential for monthly payments with annual returns of up to 11%.


Unlock the potential of high-yield properties with S.A.F.E Property—an exclusive opportunity for savvy investors. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to collectively own prime real estate without the need to buy an entire property. Experience streamlined returns as rental income flows based on your investment. Seize the opportunity for financial growth and start your journey to prosperity today with SAFE Property.

Earn up to 11% annual rental returns, Paid Monthly.

Maximise your income potential with up to 11% annual rental returns, paid monthly. Enjoy the convenience of regular, reliable profits, making your money work smarter for you.

Secure your name on the title.

Own your investment success with our exclusive process. Secure a prosperous future anchored by strategic ownership and lucrative potential.

Fractional ownership in high-yield properties.

Experience prosperity through fractional ownership in high-yield properties. Diversify your portfolio and unlock lucrative returns with strategic investment in premium real estate.

Take Action

There’s no better time to start than right now.


How many investors are needed for S.A.F.E Property?

Supavest owns a 65% stake in the property, therefore, one investor is needed to begin a S.A.F.E Property journey. However, the total number of investors that can invest is seven.

What if one of the investors wants to sell their share of the property?

Due to the nature of the investment, Supavest gets the first right to refusal, however, if the offer is declined, the client can go to the open market to sell their share.

Who do I contact about selling my share?

For any enquiries about selling your share in a property, get in touch with the Supavest team to discuss your options.

Can I purchase more than a 5% share?

For investors that have access to the necessary funding, it is possible to purchase a share larger than 5%. Get in touch with the team at Supavest to discuss your options.

Do I have to pay any maintenance fees once a tenant moves in?

As Supavest is the majority owner of the investment property, S.A.F.E Property investors are not responsible for additional ongoing costs or maintenance fees. These expenses are deducted from the rental income before distribution to the owners.

RL: 10101596 (UW Aggregation PTY LTD)